Do you insult or consult?
Consultancy… Is it a business practice or a buzzword that’s lost its meaning?
Consulting is often advocated in recruitment and business chitter chatter on LinkedIn – but how does it really add value?
Can a consultant be different to any recruiter when all a client is prepared to offer is an out-of-date job description and fixed salary bracket?
We see consulting as a two-way discourse.
It’s when a recruiter is emboldened to say ‘no’ and manage client expectations. It’s when a recruiter can offer expertise that’s actually taken into consideration.
It’s a constructive partnership – not a wild goose chase between six agencies each trying to convince a client that they have a ‘perfect’ candidate.
Usually, its application comes down to whether a hiring strategy is skills driven or people driven.
What does consulting mean to you? Can it work on every role…, or only certain positions?
Contact us if you’re interested in exploring the potential for consultative improvements to your business’s recruitment strategy. | 0115 922 2299